

  ⑴# Specify the backup method(s that will be used.

  ⑵# tarball: takes a list of directories and builds the corresponding tarballs.

  ⑶# mysql: archives MySQL databases using mysqldump. To restore the database, you # need to use the same tool manually.

  ⑷export BM_ARCHIVE_METHOD=“tarball mysql”

  ⑸# Where to store the backups.

  ⑹export BM_REPOSITORY_ROOT=“/var/archives”

  ⑺# The following directive indicates backup-manager to name

  ⑻# the generated files after the directory that was backed up.

  ⑼export BM_TARBALL_NAMEFORMAT=“long”

  ⑽# Define the pression type for the generated files.

  ⑾export BM_TARBALL_FILETYPE=“tar.gz”

  ⑿# List the directories that you want to backup.

  ⒀export BM_TARBALL_DIRECTORIES=“/etc /home /var/log”

  ⒁# Exclude some subdirectories or file extensions.

  ⒂export BM_TARBALL_BLACKLIST=“/var/log/myotherapp.log *.mp *.mp”

  ⒃# List the database(s that you want to backup, separated by spaces.

  ⒄export BM_MYSQL_DATABASES=“mysql mybase wordpress dotclear phpbb”

  ⒅# MySQL username.

  ⒆export BM_MYSQL_ADMINLOGIN=“root”

  ⒇# MySQL password for username.

  ⒈export BM_MYSQL_ADMINPASS=“mypassword”

  ⒉# Add support for DROP statements (optional。

  ⒊export BM_MYSQL_SAFEDUMPS=“true”

  ⒋# The hostname or IP address where the database(s reside.

  ⒌export BM_MYSQL_HOST=“localhost”

  ⒍# Port where MySQL server is listening.

  ⒎export BM_MYSQL_PORT=“”

  ⒏# pression type (optional。

  ⒐export BM_MYSQL_FILETYPE=“gzip”

  ⒑# Do not archive remote hosts, but only localhost.


  ⒓# User aount for SSH upload.

  ⒔export BM_UPLOAD_SSH_USER=“root”

  ⒕# Absolute path of the user‘s private key for passwordless SSH login.

  ⒖export BM_UPLOAD_SSH_KEY=“/root/.ssh/id_rsa”

  ⒗# Remote hosts (make sure you have exported your public key to them:

  ⒘export BM_UPLOAD_SSH_HOSTS=“dev dev”

  ⒙# Remote destination for uploading backups. If it doesn’t exist,

  ⒚# this directory will be created automatically the first time

  ⒛# backup-manager runs.

  ①export BM_UPLOAD_SSH_DESTINATION=“/var/archives/backups/$HOSTNAME”


  ③# backup-manager






  ⑨# crontab -e


  Ⅰ**/usr/sbin/backup-manager 》/dev/null》&
