









  ⑼今年由于有同事离职,就把这个客户转给我继续维护了,我也是从 月的样子才真正开始频繁互动。


  ⑾ 月 日客户发来一个 PPT , 一个俄罗斯网红老头和一直可爱的狗狗一下子吸引了我的眼球,这是一个堪称大型的宣传 activity 。

  ⑿客户宣传是移动宣传路演,计划是自己打造一个房车,让一个当地流量巨大的网红大 V 带着一只可爱的狗狗驾车从莫斯科到中国北京。

  ⒀房车上有我们产品品牌 LOGO 和宣传 slogan ,一边行走还一边在旅途中的各个停靠点和当地媒体进行曝光,整个过程会录制一系列有趣的视频上传到 Youtube 等社交网络媒体上,并有各种网络推手一起转发,扩散。

  ⒁因为我们的产品其中有一个系列是车载摄像头,所以客户的这个活动策划能充分地把产品特点放大,并通过有趣的互动交流,媒体宣传,来尽可能的增加 brand awareness 。

  ⒂听起来是一个蛮有趣蛮不错的的计划哟,客户把 PPT 扔过来,问我们有什么想法,重点来了,客户最后还说了句,我们马上会下一个 order ,大概是什么什么。

  ⒃好吧,事实证明老板也真如初恋一般毫无例外地被深深打动: Amazing!Cool !


  ⒅其实聪明的老板一下子就看懂了,客户这是在暗示我们给与更多的支持( money 咯,后来客户在 Wechat 里再次提到,希望得到我们的 support 足以证明。



  ⒈PS:客户在后面的邮件里特别插入了一句: We would like to see your financing of this program.还不够明显么?各种暗示给我们,再装傻也不行咯哈哈。


  ⒊剧情总是那么跌宕起伏,这边 PPT 计划我们还没正式回应,就从总经理办公室传来噩耗,部门决定给所有经销商客户涨价!


  ⒌老板各种苦情戏上演,最后业务员不得不乖乖地备好这个锅!还让我们立即编制好最新版本的 Pricelist 发给没一个经销商,此事优先级第一,不可耽误。


  ⒎果然不出所料,客户淡定地“火了”:第一时间就回复邮件(如下图,接着他们的 CEO 又跟一封。

  ⒏然后还不够,在 Wechat group 里也发火(我们会安利独家经销商下微信,并和我们拉到一个 group 里方便更直接的沟通。


  ⒑在这里,我们需要分析一下,客户发了一个邮件,提到 件事:

  ⒒. 我们有一个很伟大的计划,目的也是为了宣传公司品牌,当然你们需要经济上支持我们。

  ⒓. 我们马上就会有一个不错的 order 给你们了。



  ⒖我们部门有一个不成文的规定,面对这种需要攻坚的时刻,都要大家一起来 brainstorm 讨论应对方案,这样以后不管是谁遇到了相似的问题,都可以从容应对了。




  ⒚.最后让我们一起回顾一下去年的业绩情况(暗示他们 年业绩尚可,而 年却实在不理想,如果想索取优待,希望拿成绩说话,同时也是为涨价“辩解” 做个铺垫

  ⒛Dear partner,

  ①Without Team Russia it is impossible for us to conquer Russia market. I must say that you have got a team of gems who are very professional on their approach and work with sheer dedication and sincerity.

  ②We are particularly writing to appreciate the deep insights that you and your team proposed, Your travelling activity is impressive. This is an excellent idea, the reality of using our brand throughout the journey not only for brand awareness or sales but how we will bee a part of an adventure. Not to mention how social media will be crazed on the excitement entail.

  ③How much could be our lead? Sales prediction somehow? Can we measure the quantity of impressions? Will you inform us a day before the schedule of the live interviews? We would like to see this live. Will this be bilingual to cater not only to Russian speaking people but the world market in general sense per se.

  ④Recollecting , your sales is pelling. We acknowledged your sales performance. We

  ⑤are delighted to see that you have done better sales plans and strategies. One thing we cannot deny how we enjoy Team Russia social media updates. Keep it up!

  ⑥It’s been four () months since the last time we got an actual purchase from you. We are aware that you are low of stocks. Let's replenish your stocks and soar on sales this .

  ⑦We are wondering how you could surpass sales. We will appreciate if you could share to us your sales plans. What is your sales target this year?

  ⑧We wish that our association will go a long way creating pillars of suess.



  Ⅰ非常心平气和地和我们“动之以情晓之以理”还为此做出了各种解释来表示他们很努力地在 promote ,暗示我方的涨价不太合理。


  ⅢOur plan for .

  Ⅳ. Sales increase of %

  Ⅴ. Conclusion of the contract with XXX GROUP(行业内某知名的brand, YANDEX




  Ⅸ账期:之前一直有给他 % 预付, % 余款, days 的账期( 个月内支付余款


  ㈠. 客套话,感谢您的支持和合作,做出的努力。

  ㈡. 阶梯式价格明细,量大可以协商更多优惠。

  ㈢. 可以帮你争取一些价格优惠,但必须满足各种销售目标的硬性要求。

  ㈣ 月必须下单,至少年增长 % ,每个月都必须下单,每月下单金额不低于 万美金

  ㈤. 告知可以申请赞助支持,算是我们对经销商的支持。


  ㈦不怕,对于独家经销商来说是可以提一些高要求的,而且我们提出的要求也是有空间让客户来 bargain 的,生意就是互相 negotiation 出来的。

  ㈧最后谈下来的要求一般会是 meet each other half way , 取一个折中的双方都可以接受的定下来的。


  ㈩Dear partner:

  We are sincerely grateful for what you have done for strengthening our brand perceptions in your country for the past one year.

  Like we mentioned in the previous email, we saw a professional Russian team which are devoted to branding both online and offline and highly recognized their efforts of marketing locally.

  Actually we have already considered Russian team as part of our team like a our family member, not only a business partner.

  For the pricing adjustment that you are concerned about, firstly we would like you to understand this newly-released Price List are set for all the distributors world-wide, no exceptional privilege for any dealers.

  It is a official and final decision made by our Boarder of directors after a couple of serious conferences, on the basis of surging raw materials and operating costs aounting.

  This has been our standard price bracketing.

  Price bracketing:

  SMALL ORDER <50 units

  MEDIUM ORDER > to units

  LARGE ORDER > and up

  The discounted price provided to you last year was aimed to offer you full support to develop your market at the very beginning. o be frank,any distributors outside Russia have never been granted such special discount.

  With this special pricing large amount of loss would be caused for our pany, let alone making profit.

  You have done a wonderful job on marketing and already been fruitful with a good reputation gained locally so we have full confidence in your future sales with quality products and superior services provided.

  Well, considering your possible big orders recently,we are also open for some privileges.

  I can see from your remaining stocks, it’s low. Your M-series needs replenishment. I can help convince my leaders to make sure you will get your required target price . While there are conditions aordingly.

  Let’s agree on one important thing. Place an order this month of May and promise one thing: surpass your sales at least % this year. Increase sales % more and never skip a month to place an order, at least $ per month. If you think this is reasonable, will guarantee your target price is workable.

  In addition to that, a large amount of financial support for Russian Expo and long-time aount period ( days) for your orders, technical assistance were provided specifically for your pany, in an attempt to provide you optimal support,as far as possible. Hopefully you could take into aount that we have showed our sincerity of long-term cooperation already as a backup. We really cherish our partnership with you.

  One thing more, I can assure to you that we will never stop to support Team Russia when it es to marketing and brand exposure. However, a pelling sales is necessary to keep your status as a sole distributor in Russia market.

  The project , it would be important that the show must be in English or a subtitle in English. Can we lower the cost?

  Can you make this project budget more affordable so it would be easy for me to discuss with the leaders. We are expecting that this project should be done all by you from Russia to China.

  No one would deny Russian is a huge and promising market, especially for automobile industry. We attach much importance to your local market and our main responsibility is to provide improved products that are well adapted to the market.

  Therefore,we really hope you can understand our situation and sincerity, let’s work together to create more suess. Will expect good news of your highly anticipated collaboration with XXX GROUP and YANDEX.

  Thanks again for your kind cooperation.

  在这个讨价还价,各种 negotiation 的过程中,还经历了客户直接 Wechat 我们要求 concall ,简单粗暴直奔主题,质问我们为什么要涨价,而且特别是有订单的时候?



  以公司的名义每个月 日左右制作一个专业的 Newsletter 给客户,其中就包含公司最新的各种新闻,新品研发进度,以及如果有价格调整提前告知,并提供缓冲期。

  经过N轮的来来回回 negotiation ,最后我们在价格调整上做出了让步,当然也没有保持原价,而是取了一个合理的中间值,另外提供了几个月的缓冲期。



  事实上,我们给客户的补贴大部分 % 以上我们可以去相关单位比如外经委,园区的相关部门申请到补贴支持的。



  关于在订单面前总是跳出来的各种”意外”, 还不得不提最近发生的和这个俄罗斯客户之间的一件事,虽然事情虽小,但处理不好很可能就容易毁了一个订单!

  也是在一次客户发邮件正式下单之后,因为客户分 次下单,一批是紧急着需要补货(客户的库存很快就耗尽了,供不应求了。

  这一批客户想走俄罗斯专线(也就是所谓的灰关,俄罗斯的海关有多严苛你们懂的,节省时间和清关效率早点拿到这批小货 台;

  另外一批自是 多台走 DHL 渠道的订单。因为小货这个 order 货值实在太小,老板想打破之间和客户商定的付款方式及账期,即 % 预付,余款 % 在 天内支付。

  要求我们让客户直接全款支付,理由是货值太小,没必要 % 预付。


  和客户,老板买卖两方斗智斗勇,balance 双方的利益,拿捏好尺度,达到甚至超越双方的预期,这才是真正考验一个业务员的职业技能啊!

  遇到这种 case ,从我个人角度,当然不愿意临门一脚又出乱子咯。


  顺便说一下,这个经销商之所以要求 的账期,是因为他在当地有它的次级经销商和一些小的 reseller ,他们之间是一直保持这种账期的结算方式,所以为了不打破平衡,他们也不轻易接受临时调整账期和付款方式。

  考虑到客户还有一个 台的订单,加上我们之前邮件里白纸黑色商定好了付款方式,不能到了下单的时候再临时违约,这样很可能会损失订单甚至对往后的合作造成不好的影响,做生意信誉第一,不是吗?




  作者:糊里糊涂新(米课圈ID时代在变,必须与时俱进,及时调整思维方式,才能跟上步伐 !




  PS:在公众号回复【 下载 】即可下载米课圈app,进行话题谈论哦,开启你的外贸新视角!



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